Bilbies (Kindergarten)
4 years to 5 years
Our Bilbies room is licensed for children aged between 4 and 5 years. We have 2 educators with a maximum of 20 children per day.
Under the QKLG (Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines) we utilise Miss Yingmei a Early Childhood Teacher, to deliver the Kindergarten Program. Our Kindergarten program runs from 9am to 3pm daily, therefore enabling all children in the Blue room access to our Kindergarten Program.
Our Kindy Program is part of the Free Kindy, Kindergarten, known as kindy, is a part-time educational program for children in the year before Prep. Kindy is 15 hours per week, 40 weeks per year and is free for Queensland children attending a government-approved kindergarten program from 1 January 2024.